Are you a DR, ADR, or Agent for a CAMD Business System FACILITY?
The Designated Representative (DR) for a facility reporting under both 40 CFR Part 75 and Part 98 (Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases) must be the same individual.

This step is designed to make a link between your new e-GGRT user account and your identity in the CAMD Business System. This may save you time by reusing your Electronic Signature Agreement from that system.

Please select the option that applies to you:
Not sure if you represent a CAMD facility? Use the help link on the left for information that will help you determine if you are a representative or agent for a CAMD facility.

For use ONLY if you represent or are an agent for a CAMD facility:

I am a DR or ADR for a CAMD facility and...
I am an Agent for a CAMD facility and...